Sunday, October 24, 2010

First night in Kenya 10/18/10

So, here’s the deal: I’m not a writer. With the exception of angsty adolescent poetry and some mediocre papers in college, I’ve never really written anything. I decided to write this blog because so many people told me I should and I’m very susceptible to peer pressure. So, here we go. Consider this your warning.
I’m sitting here in a hostel in Nairobi too excited to sleep and trying to get over that weird swaying feeling you get after spending 15 hours on a plane. I can’t believe I’m finally in Africa! For more than a decade I’ve dreamed of volunteering at a clinic here, and I am so overwhelmed with the reality of getting the opportunity to do it. I will be working as the volunteer medical director at a clinic in Matoso, Kenya which is on the shore of Lake Victoria near the Tanzanian border. They treat everything from malaria to snake bites with a focus on antenatal care and preventative pediatric exams. The clinic also has an extensive HIV/AIDS program. The organization also has an orphanage, a large health education program, as well as other community development programs.  I’ll do my best to keep updating depending on internet access and, let’s face it, motivation. Tomorrow we bum around Nairobi and then fly to Kisumu. The next day we are off to our new home. Look out Matoso, here comes the Fargo girl.
            And if you’re wondering (which I know you are); yes, I brought a lot of sunscreen.

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